Anaphora and the Rhetorical “Carry Back”
I was first introduced to the term ‘anaphora’ in the Catholic Catechism, where it refers to a portion of the liturgy where bread and wine are consecrated into the body and blood of Christ. When used in reference the Catholic liturgy, or in other Christian traditions that espouse the term, it describes the return of the ‘fruit of the earth and work of human hands’ to God — the wheat nurtured and reaped by the farmer, cooked by the baker, and bought by the community, is ‘carried back’ to God as gift and sacrifice at that moment.

The Importance of Meta Images in Web Design and Social Media Management
“Meta images” are branded images that appear when a user shares an article or page from your company’s website. They are vital to your brand’s appearance and success on social media and beyond, but are often overlooked in the web design and development processes – even by the world’s biggest brands. If meta tags for socially designed images are not present on every page (or template) of your website, social platforms will pull random images from the page’s content (or sometimes none at all),...